"... among religions ... are Buddhism ... and secular
The Supreme Court, in Torkoso v. Watkins
The Religion of Secular Humanism
© 1990 DIANE DEW
When secular humanists remove relgion from schools, they fill the vacuum they create with their anti-god, anti-Christ philosophy. They merely replace one religion with another.
Although some would deny that secular humanism is a religion, even the Supreme Court has recognized it as such. In Torkoso v. Watkins (1961), the Supreme Court said that "among religions ... are Buddhism ... and secular humanism," etc.
A religion
Humanism has its own organized belief system, publications and preachers. Like other religions, it also has a goal: the supplanting of all other religions with its own. It also receives a religious tax exemption. (Free Inquiry, winter 1986/87)
It even calls itself a religion. (The Humanist, Sept. 1984) The title of an article in The Humanist, Feb. 1983, for example, describes the movement as "A Religion for a New Age." In the article, teachers are charged with the role of "preachers ... ministers of another sort."
Contradictions and beliefs
"A Secular Humanist Declaration," endorsed by 58 professors, writers and theologians, and published in 1980, states: "At a time when religious fundamentalism is gaining adherents worldwide, the Declaration defends the separation of church and state, skepticism about supernatural claims, and the conviction that ethics can be dveloped independently of belief in God."
The Declaration of 1980, sequel to Humanist Manifesto I (1933) and Humanist Manifesto II (1973), contains many contradictions. While it states, for example, that tax revenues should not "be exacted for the benefit or support of sectarian religious institutions" (p. 12), the AHA itself receives tax exempt status.
Although the Declaration claims that humanists defend "basic human rights, including the right to protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" (p. 13), it condones the practice of abortion and condemns any church that would "impose its views of moral virtue and sin ... or abortion ... for the rest of society." (p. 15)
While secular humanists claim to embrace the concepts of "civil liberties ... a free press, freedom of communication, the right to organize," etc. (Declaration, p. 11) they say they "deplore the efforts by fundamentalists ... to invade the science classrooms, requiring that creationist theory be tuaght to students... This is a serious threat both to academis freedom ..." (p. 21)
The evil of secular humanism is particularly obvious by the fact that one of their primary purposes is the corruption of youth. (p. 16) Jesus had strong words about those who harm children: "it were better for him taht a millstone be hung around his neck, and be cast into the sea."
In proposing that one can be ethical "without the need of relgious commandments," the Declaration provides a list of "fellow human beings ... who have demonstrated moral principles" without being religious. Included in the lengthy list were Charles Darwin; and Margaret Sanger (p. 16), founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the world.
While humanists claim to value the right of individuals to make "autnomous and responsible" decision-making (p.15), they "do not think it is moral to baptize infants, to confirm adolescents, or to impose a religious creed on young people before they are able to consent ..." (p. 17)
Haters of God
Secular humanists "worship creation, rather than the Creator." (Romans 1) their god is self. "resourcefulness and courage" are exalted, and faith and trust in God are mocked. "Secular humanism places trust in human intelligence rather than in divine guidance," it states. (p. 24)
Do they hate Christians? Yes. "We deplore the growth of intolerant sectarian creeds," they say. (p. 24) But worse than that, they are haters of God. Author John Dumphey writes of "the rotting faith of Christ," etc. (The Humanist, Feb. 1983)
Years ago, public school textbooks contained many references to the Bible -- sometimes entire chapters -- and stories of religion and virtue. One reading text from 1852 tells of a school marm kneeling with her students in prayer. The "Steps to Good Citizenship" included "Faith in God." There were standards of morality. History books described America as a Christian country, blessed by God.
Today, the name of God cannot be implored in a graduation ceremony without causing a raucus. But when used in a degrading way, it's a matter of free speech, free expression, academic freedom.
How the mighty have fallen!