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DIVINE HEALING ".... And the power of the Lord was present to heal them." Luke 5:17 |
From "The Holy Spirit: Gifts & Ministries," © 1976, 1977, 1997 by Diane S. Dew
I. Where does sickness come from?
A. There was no place for sickness and disease in the original plan of God.
1. Upon completion of the
work of each creation day, God looked upon it
with approval
and saw that "it was very good!"
Genesis 1:31
2. God never intended for
man to be sick in body, but rather that he have
physical health,
as well as that of soul and spirit.
I Thessalonians 5:23
3 John 2
B. However, with sin came sickness into the world,
and "so death passed
upon all men..."
Romans 5:~2, 14
Genesis 2:17;3:17
II. Jesus undid at Calvary the deeds of the Destroyer (Satan).
I John 3:8
A. Through the work of the cross, the believer
can attain physical health,
as well as the salvation
of his soul.
Isaiah 53:5
Matthew 8:17
I Peter 2:24
B. Therefore, physical healing is closely
associated in scripture with spiritual
deliverance and forgiveness
of sin.
Psalms 103:3
Isaiah 33:24; 53:3-5
Matthew 4:24; 8:16-17, 9:26; 12:22
Mark 2:1-12
Luke 5:18, 20-23; 6:17-18; 8:2,36; 11:14;13:16
Acts 5:16; 10:38
James 5:15
III. What are the spiritual requirements necessary for obtaining physical healing?
A. One must first have the desire to be healed.
Matthew 20:30-33
Mark 10:46-52
John 5:6
B. He must believe that God is able to heal him.
Matthew 8:10, 13; 9:2, 28, 29
Luke 17:19
Acts 3:16; 14:9
Matthew 9:23 (Note: This was the only question that Jesus
asked them.)
James 5:14-16
C. The promise of healing has always been
conditional upon obedience
to God's commands.
("If .... ")
Leviticus 26 (Deuteronomy 28)
Exodus 15:26; 23:25
Deuteronomy 7:12,15
Isaiah 58:8
John 5:14
D. Although the promise of healing
was primarily intended for the people
of God, His healing
hand of mercy may be extended even to the unsaved.
Jesus healed a man
blind from birth whose only understanding of the Lord
was that He must have
been sent from God (See John 9:35-37). The Lord
honored the extent
of his faith and sought him out Himself (vv. 35-37), that
He might further reveal
Himself to him. The man got saved and worshiped
God (v. 38).
IV. Did Jesus always minister immediate relief from sickness and disease?
A. Scripture shows that usually the healing Jesus ministered was received immediately.
Matthew 9:22; 15:28; 17:18; 20:34
Mark 1:31, 42; 2:12; 5:42; 7:35; 10:52
Luke 5:13, 25; 8:47;4:39; 13:13
John 5:9
B. However, the blind man was healed in two steps.
Mark 8:23-25
C. The ten lepers received their healing "as they went."
Luke 17:14
V. How was healing ministered in Bible days?
A. Through the laying on of hands.
Matthew 8:2-4, 14-15; 9:29; 20:34
Mark 1:41; 7:32-33; 5:23; 6:4; 7:32-33; 8:23, 25; 16:18
Luke 13:13; 22:50-51
Acts 9:12,17; 28:8
James 5:14
B. By the anointing of oil by the elders.
Mark 6:13
James 5:14
C. Through prayer.
Genesis 20:7, 17; 25:21
Numbers 12:13
I Samuel 1:7-19, etc.
I Kings 13:4-6
2 Kings 20:1-6 (Isaiah 38:1-5)
2 Chronicles 32:24
Matthew 21:22 (Mark 11:24)
James 5:15-16
D. Through fasting.
I Samuel 1:7-19, etc.
Isaiah 58:8, etc.
Mark 9:29
Acts 9:8-9, 17-19
E. By the teaching of God's Word.
Psalms 107:20 (Note: In the Hebrew, the present tense
is used: " ... sends ... and heals.")
Proverbs 4:20-22
Acts 8:5-7
F. By special miracles of God.
Numbers 21:8-9 (brazen serpent)
2 Kings 20:7; Isaiah 38:21 (lump of figs put on boil)
Mark 7:32, 3 (fingers put in ears of deaf)
Mark 8:22 (spit put on eyes of blind)
John 9:6-7, 11 (clay put on eyes of blind)
Acts 19:11-12 (handkerchiefs taken from hands of Paul)
Acts 3:7 (lame man lifted up by the hand)
G. By a creative word. (See Mark 11:23)
Mark 5:41 ("Arise!")
Mark 7:34 ("Be opened.")
Mark 9:25; Luke 4:39; 5:39 (Rebuked the sickness)
Luke 5:13 ("Be thou clean.")
Acts 9:33-34 ("Arise ... ")
H. Through simple faith in His promises.
Matthew 8:8
Mark 10:52
Luke 17:19
John 4:50
Acts 3:16; 14:9
Hebrews 11:11
I. By an individual's act of faith.
Matthew 14:35, 36
Luke 8:43-48
J. By obedience to a simple command.
2 Kings 5:10, 14 (told to wash in Jordan seven times)
Luke 17:14 (commanded to show themselves to the priests)
John 5:8, 9, etc. (told to pick up the bed and walk)
John 9:7, 10-11 (told to wash in pool of Siloam)
Acts 14:10 (told to stand up)
K. By practical advice.
I Timothy 5:23 (wine for the stomach)
VI. Are disease and sickness always the result of sin and rebellion against God?
A. It is true that sickness may be sent by God as punishment for sin.
Genesis 19:11; 20:17, 18
Exodus 9:8-11; 32:35
Leviticus 26:16
Numbers 12:11; 21:5-7
Deuteronomy 28:22, 27, 35, 65
I Samuel 5:6, 9, 12
2 Kings 5:20-27; 15:5
2 Chronicles 26:16-21
Job 33:19-22, 29-30
Psalms 25:18; 107:17
Zechariah 12:4
John 5:14
Acts 13:10-11
James 5:15-16
Revelation 16:2
B. But this is not always the case.
1. The physical ailment may be simply due to old age.
Genesis 27:1; 48:10
2 Samuel 19:35
2. It may be
due to the sin of one's parents (See 2 Samuel chapter 12;
I Kings chapter 14), but not always (John chapter 9).
3. When Jesus
healed the man blind from birth, He made it clear
that the physical defect had not been the result either of his parents'
sin or the sin of the one afflicted. It was only "that the works of God
should be manifest in him."
John 9:1-3
4. Paul's companion
in the gospel (Epaphroditus) was "sick nigh unto
death... for the work of Christ." It was not due to any sin in his life,
but because the work of the ministry was so demanding.
Philippians 2:25-30
5. Job was
declared "perfect and upright" in the sight of God (ch. 1:1, 8;
2:3), but God allowed Satan to afflict him tremendously (ch. 2:7, ).
6. Through
the healing of Aeneas' paralysis the entire cities of Lydda and
Sharon turned to the Lord.
Acts 9:34-35
VII. God is not limited in His ability to heal.
A. It doesn't matter how long a person has been afflicted by the ailment.
1. He can heal those afflicted from birth.
John 9:1, etc. (blind man)
Acts 3:2 (lame person)
Acts 14:8 (the cripple)
2. He can heal
those who have been suffering from the same sickness
for years and years.
a. Eight years. Acts 9:33-34
b. Twelve years. Matthew 9:20-22 (Luke 8:43)
c. Eighteen years. Luke 13:11
d. Thirty-eight years. John 5.5
e. Since childhood. Mark 9:21
3. He can even heal those who are at the point of death.
2 Kings 20:1-6 (Isaiah 38:1-5)
2 Chronicles 32:24
Luke 7:2-10
Philippians 2:27
4. If necessary, God can even raise them from the dead.
I Kings 17:17-23
2 Kings 4:32-35; 13:21
Luke 7:12-15; 8:49-55
John 11:43, 44
Acts 9:37-40; 20:9-12
Hebrews 11:35
B. It doesn't matter what type of disease or illness the person has, either.
1. Jesus healed "all
manner of sickness and all manner of disease
the people." He went forth "healing every sickness and every
... "
Matthew 4:23; 9:35; 11:5; 12:15; 15:30-31; etc.
2. The following diseases
are some of those recorded in scripture
God healed the afflicted.
a. Blindness.
Matthew 9:27; 20:30-34
Mark 10:46-52
b. Lame; cripple.
Matthew 21:14
Acts 3:2; 14:8-10
c. Deaf.
Mark 7:32; 9:25
d. Dumb.
Matthew 9:32, 33; 12:22
e. Atrophy (withered hand).
Matthew 12:10-13 (Luke 6:6-10)
f. Speech defect.
Mark 7:32-35
g. Dropsy.
Luke 14:1-4
h. Leprosy.
Numbers 12:10-15
2 Kings 5:6-14
Matthew 8:3
Mark 1:40-42
Luke 5:12-13; 17:12-14
i. Fever.
Matthew 8:14-15 (Mark 1:30-31;
Luke 4:38-39)
Acts 28:8
j. Paralysis (palsy).
Matthew 4:24; 8:6-13; 9:2, 6
Luke 5:18
Acts 9:33-34
k. Insanity; mental illness.
I Samuel 16:14-23; 18:10 ("Prophesied,"
v. 10, should
more correctly be translated
Matthew 4:24; 17:15-18 (Luke 8:26-39)
l. Hemorrhage .
Matthew 9:20-22 (Mark 5:25; Luke 8:43)
m. Barrenness.
Genesis 17:15-21; 20:17-18; 25:21;
I Samuel 1:6-7
Judges 13:2-3, etc.
Luke 1:5-25
n. Boils.
2 Kings 20:7 (Isaiah 38:21)
o. Dysentery.
Acts 28:8
C. When Jesus ministered healing to a person, it was a complete work.
Mark 7:35 (The man began to speak plainly.)
D. The only thing by which God is limited in
His power to heal is our own
unbelief. Scripture says
that in one place Jesus "could do no mighty work
... because of their unbelief."
Mark 6:5, 6 (Matthew 13:58)
James 1:6, 7
VIII. Why do people sometimes not receive their healing?
A. It may be due to a lack of faith.
James 1:6, 7
B. Sin or disobedience may be the barrier.
Psalms 66:18
Isaiah 59:1, 2
Jeremiah 5:25
John 9:31
C. It may be because of a wrong
motive (James 4:3; Mark 8:11;
Luke 11:16) or insincere
intentions (i.e., pride; testing God, etc.).
We must be careful
to consider our own motive in praying for
another's healing.
Jesus was "moved with compassion" to heal the
sick (Matthew 14:14;
20:34; Mark 1:41) He never healed anyone
simply for publicity,
or "to be seen." Rather, He fled from them
(John 5:13).
D. God may be desiring to work into
our lives certain qualities characteristic
of His Son,
and sometimes this can only be achieved through suffering.
1. Patience.
Romans 5:3
James 5:10, 11
2. Obedience.
Psalms 119:6
Hebrews 5:8
3. Humility.
2 Corinthians 12:7-9
4. Compassion.
2 Corinthians 1:4
5. Contentment.
Philippians 4:11-14
E. The person might really be in need of spiritual deliverance.
Matthew 4:24; 12:22; 17:18
Mark 9:28, 29
Luke 6:17, 18; 8:2, 36
Acts 5:16; 10:38
IX. Why do people sometimes lose their healing?
If they return to
the sin of their past life, having no change within,
there is no guarantee that they will be able
to hold on to their healing.
John 5:14
X. Whose responsibility is it to pray for the sick?
A. First, the afflicted one is to pray.
Isaiah 38:1-5
2 Corinthians 12:7-9
James 5:13
B. If he is unable to pray himself effectively,
he should call for the elders
(James 5:14)
or those in the church with specific gifts of healing
(I Corinthians
C. The entire church should continually
lift up in prayer the afflicted
members of the body.
James 5:16-17
XI. No matter who is the vessel used by God to perform a miracle of
healing, Jesus is always the Healer (Exodus 15:26).
He alone is to
receive the glory for any manifestation
of the power of God (Acts
3:12; 14:11-15).
A. Miracles of healing should draw people
closer to God, cause them
to recognize His Lordship,
and lead them into worship.
I Kings 18:39
Matthew 9:8; 15:31
Mark 2:12
Luke 5:25-26; 13:13; 17:15-18; 18:43
John 9:38
B. It should give them a desire to follow Him, to continue in His ways.
2 Kings 5:14-17, etc.
Matthew 20:34 (Mark 10:52)
Luke 8:38, 39; 18:43
Acts 9:34-35
C. Nevertheless, some remain ungrateful
and take their healing without
any intention of continuing
in the things of God.
Luke 17:12-18
XII. Is this interest in divine healing a valid emphasis?
A. Scripture is clear in showing us that
God does not want His people
to be sick.
3 John 2
B. A great portion of the Lord's ministry
involved healing those physically
afflicted. (He did
not minister only to the spiritual needs of the people.)
Luke 4:18
C. When He commissioned the apostles to
go forth, it was with this command:
"heal the sick, cleanse
the lepers ..."
Matthew 10:18
D. The Holy Spirit has provided that specific
gifts of healings be placed within
the body of Christ,
for our benefit.
I Corinthians 12:7-11
XIII. When the day comes that Christ shall reign supreme over all the
there shall then be no sickness known
among the people of God.
Isaiah 33:24;
A. "The inhabitant shall not say,
I am sick: the people that dwell therein
shall be forgiven
their iniquity."
Isaiah 33:24
B. This promise of healing to the
people of God can be individually
claimed today; but
we must look to Him for it, rather than to the physicians.
Deuteronomy 32:39
2 Chronicles 16:12
Mark 5:26
Luke 8:43
© 1976, 1977, 1997 by Diane S. Dew
This study is available in booklet form (36 pages) at cost. [ordering info]
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This file is the sole property of Diane S. Dew. It may not be altered or edited in any way. One copy of this study may be reproduced only in its entirety for your own personal use, without charge. Permission for any other use must be obtained, in writing, from the author: Diane S. Dew, PO Box 340945, Milwaukee, WI 53234.
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may be obtained, at cost, from:
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