"Catholic moral theology is in grave default on this issue...
abortion can be the least violent option..."
-- Daniel C. Maguire, Professor of Moral Theology,
Marquette (Jesuit) University;
Board of Directors, Catholics For a Free
Who Are 'Catholics for a Free Choice'? .Pro-abortion Group Has Benefited from Pornography Copyright © 1993 Diane S. Dew Published in ALL About Issues, Sept/Oct 1993 Founded in 1972, Catholics For a Free Choice, a nominally Catholic, pro-abortion organization, has an annual budget of $900,000, and claims 8,000 members. According to the Encyclopedia of Associations, Catholics For a Free Choice (CFFC) is an association of "Catholics within the Roman Catholic Church who support the right to legal reproductive health care, especially to family planning and abortion." Its goal, according to the Encyclopedia entry, is to "preserve the right of women's choices in childbearing and child rearing"; it "advocates social and economic programs for women, families and children," by engaging in "public education on being Catholic and pro-choice." ... Funded by Pornography Daniel C. Maguire, professor of moral theology at Marquette University, is on CFFC's board of directors. He has written numerous pamphlets, articles and books promoting abortion, euthanasia and homosexuality. One, in its Spanish translation, even "got an imprimatur, unsolicited by me," he boasted. In an article published in CFFC's Conscience magazine (May/June 1990), Maguire approved of abortion "as a backup for contraceptive failure." If an individual can find five or six experts "to approve of a liberal dissenting view, the decision to abort may be morally justified," he wrote in a New York Times editorial reprinted in Conscience (Jan./Feb. 1990). What's right for one may not be right for all, he said, claiming that "there is no one `Catholic' position." "Public political figures and legislators should not impose their private moral view on a pluralistic society," he said. "Catholic politicians ... may freely support Roe v. Wade ... with good reasons and good authority. "Within certain limits, the Catholic position has always been pro-choice. "Thus, a legislator who personally finds abortion always immoral may support the Roe v. Wade decision," he wrote in Conscience (May/June 1990). Maguire, who teaches several freshman sections of "Theology and Morals" at Marquette, has been neither excommunicated nor removed from his tenured position -- although the Vatican issued a 49-page document in September 1990 charging universities to be more accountable for what they teach. Bishops have a "right and a duty," the document states, "to watch over" universities in their dioceses. Canon Law imposes strict standards of conduct requiring "correct doctrine and integrity of life" upon those teaching in Catholic institutions (Canon 803, Sect. 2, and Canon 804, Sect. 2), and states that those who fall short "need to be removed" (Canon 810, Sect. 1). It is the bishop's responsibility to watch over "even those schools which have been established or are being directed by members of religious institutions ..." (Canon 808, Sect. 1; Canon 805). The New Testament also charges those in authority to deal with doctrinal error before it spreads (1 Timothy 6:3-5; Titus 3:10-11). In "Abortion: A Guide to Making Ethical Choices," Dan and Marjorie Maguire write that abortion is justified even for the loss of a job, or because of a marriage failure. "A responsible abortion can be the proper response to irresponsible sex," they say "There is no clear Biblical teaching prohibiting abortion," they claim. "... no one knows God's mind." It all depends on how you look at it, they said; ethics are adjustable, depending on your circumstances. "... having a baby can be just as selfish, in the bad sense, as an abortion," they say. "You may have a child out of a selfish avoidance of the responsibility to turn your life in new directions." Even "if you believe that the fetus is a person," they said, "if you also feel that abortion is the most moral choice you can make in your circumstances, trust in God to take care of the fetus. Be assured that God would not condemn ... God is love. "In the real world, good women choose to have abortions for good reasons and they are still good women after they have the abortion. "If you are concerned about the possibility that the fetus might experience pain you need to balance that concern ... Physical and emotional pain occur in all our lives. It is not the determining fact in making a moral decision about abortion or anything else." Better to kill your unborn child than "ignore the needs and rights of other persons, your husband and children," the Maguires say. Besides, the "possibility" that the fetus might be a person, they reason, pales in light of the fact that you definitely are. "Think about the relative value of your life versus that of the fetus.... many good religious people believe that the woman has to welcome the life in her womb and consent to the pregnancy, before God considers it a human person ... when the woman consents to the pregnancy ... God then infuses a soul into the body." (So does the child of a retarded woman, or one with bitter hatred, never become a person? Even at age 21?) "Follow your conscience"? "You are not guilty of sin if you follow your conscience," the Maguires write. But what about someone who does not guard or "keep" his or her conscience (Heb. 9:14; 1 Pet. 3:16), who, failing to respond to the Holy Spirit's guidance, allows his conscience to become "seared" (1 Tim. 4:2)? The Bible speaks of a "weak conscience" (1 Cor. 8:7); a "wounded conscience" (1 Cor. 8:12); a "good" and "perfect" conscience (Heb. 9:9; Heb. 13:18; 1 Pet. 3:21; 1 Tim. 1:5, 19); a "clear" (blameless) conscience (Acts 24:16; 1 Tim. 3:9) and a conscience that is "evil" or defiled (Tit. 1:15). Still, ads for CFFC's magazine, Conscience, say: "Follow your conscience." One of CFFC's pamphlets, available at many libraries, is Maguire's "Reflections of a Catholic Theologian on Visiting an Abortion Clinic." He described pro-life picketers as mostly men-a violent, "scary lot," "dripping with hatred," who "attempt to play on guilt to recruit these women in their campaign." He referred to the baby involved in abortion as "aborted matter," a "pre-personal embryo." "Catholic moral theology is in grave default on this issue," Maguire says; "... abortion can be the least violent option..." Some donations received by CFFC are earmarked specifically to pay for these publications. In 1991, the R.S. Clark Foundation gave $47,000 "for research, production and dissemination of a series of fact sheet/booklets on the role of the Catholic Church in shaping public policy on family planning services and availability of contraception." Another $10,000 was "for publication of the booklet, Protecting Access to Health Care for Women-A Guide to Laws Prohibiting Violence and Interference at Clinics." The same foundation also gave at least $40,000 in 1991 to NOW's Legal Defense Education Fund specifically "for work on clinic harassment lawsuits and provision of legal support and technical assistance on other reproductive rights issues to pro-choice groups around the country." These foundations have all seen fit to fund opposition to the Catholic Church -- ostensibly within the Catholic Church -- in an effort to undermine the Church's pro-life teaching. Catholics For a Free Choice is well funded in its crusade to convince Catholics in particular and the public in general that abortion is a moral choice. The facts in this article were obtained directly from public records and from the publications of Catholics for a Free Choice. Copyright © 1998 Diane S. Dew
CFFC in Latin America
HEWLETT FOUNDATION, $600,000 in 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $600,000 over 3 yrs. 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $450,000 Year authorized: 1995 ** to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC THE HUBER FOUNDATION, NJ $50,000 in 1999 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $30,000 Year authorized: 1995 ** to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC
"For family planning and teenage pregnancy program" LIST FOUNDATION, ALBERT A., NY $20,000 in 1999 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $30,000 in 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $33,850 Year authorized: 1995 * to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC THE JOHN MERCK FUND, MA
"For Constituency Building Project, to enlarge base of active support
among Catholics for reproductive freedom"
"To promote reproductive rights and health in Catholic countries
in Central America, South America and Europe"
"To analyze and publicize role and impact of Catholic hospitals and
medical facilities in providing health care in U.S."
MORIAH FUND, DC $30,000 in 1999 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $30,000 in 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $30,000 Year authorized: 1994 ** "For reproductive rights education in Latin America and Eastern Europe"
OPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE, NY $150,000 in 1999 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $100,000 in 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC
$655,000 in 2000 to Catholics for the Right to Decide, Mexico $50,000 in 2000 to Catholics for the Right to Decide, Mexico $360,000 in 1999 to Catholics for the Right to Decide, Mexico $1,000,000 in 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $20,800 in 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $150,000 in 1998 to Catholics for the Right to Decide, Mexico $200,000 in 1997 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC
$200,000 Source: 11/7/98, San Jose Mercury News
ROBERT STERLING CLARK FOUNDATION $75,000 (1998) ** "To support research on Catholic Right and mergers of Catholic and non-Catholic hospitals, and to establish coalition of progressive Catholic groups to challenge Catholic Right" $70,000 (1998) ** to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC
"For research and monitoring of the Catholic Right and establish coalition
of progressive, pro-choice Catholic groups"
"For continued support for research on the Catholic Religious Right
and its education and mobilization of Catholic community"
"For research on conservative Catholic organizations and the Catholic
health-care system, and to create a coalition of liberal Catholic organizations"
"For a study of the Catholic health-care system in the United States
and to reprint a report on conservative Catholic organizations and allied
non-Catholic organizations"
"To expand its publication program, focusing on the activities of
religious anti-abortion organizations"
$60,000 Year authorized: 1994
** to Catholics for a Free Choice "For public education project concerning role religious organizations
played in setting agenda for 1994 United Nations International conference
on Population and Development" Other Abortion-related Articles Abortion: What Saith the Scriptures? 91% Suffer from Post-abortion Trauma The Myth of Abuse toward 'Unwanted' Children Planned Parenthood's Deceitful Disguise Who are 'Catholics for a Free Choice'? Who Funds Catholics for a Free Choice? What's Wrong with Animal Rights? Media Paint Pro-lifers as 'Militant,' 'Extreme' Abortion Increases Breast Cancer Risk Media Conceal Details of Teen Abortion Death Operation Proves: It's a Baby, Not a Blob Medical Texts Prove Life Before Birth Abortion is Not a Minor Decision Parental Guidance is Not Burdensome Fertility Control Agents in the Water Supply? They Call that Pro-choice? Legislators: Protectors of the Spineless
Curriculum Black Genocide: Planned Parenthood's Evil Roots Teen Pregnancies Rise with Sex Ed Costs Condom 'Safe Sex' Theory Full of Holes Minority Abortion Rate Twice That of Whites, CDC Reports The Cost of Abortion: $1,020 - Plus One Life Whose Baby Is It, Anyway? RU-486: Women aren't hearing all the facts |
Where the Money Goes
The following information was derived from The Chronicle
of Philanthropy* and publications of The Foundation Center**.
$210,000 in 2000 to Catholics for the Right to Decide,
Mexico $600,000 Year authorized: 1996 (3-year grant) ** to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC "For research, seminars and publications in Latin America"
$49,500 Year authorized: 1995 **
to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC
"For activities related to Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing,
$1,200,000 in 1999 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $218,000 authorized in 1998 (2-year grant) to Catholics for Free Choice in Latin America (Montevideo, Uruguay) "For continued support to consolidate pro-choice Catholic groups and promote public discussion on sexual and reproductive health" - "reproductive rights ... sexuality education ... Uruguay" $200,000 authorized in 1998 (2-year grant) to Catholics for the Right to Decide (Mexico) "for continued support for public education and dissemination of Catholic pro-choice values" $190,000 authorized in 1998 to Catholics for the Right to Decide (Mexico) "for preparatory activities for International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Plus 5" ["reproductive health - Mexico"] $100,000 authorized in 1998 (2-year grant) to Catholics for the Right to Decide (Mexico) "for working group of senior developing country ethicists in reproductive health" $67,000 authorized in 1998 to Catholics for the Right to Decide (Mexico) "to promote public discussion among Catholics in Mexico on sexual and reproductive health" $50,000 authorized in 1997 to CFFC in Latin America (Montevideo, Uruguay) "for Latin American Regional Conference for Catholics for the Right to Decide Network" [civil liberties, reproductive rights, Latin America ... Uruguay) $1,300,000 authorized in 1996 ** $150,000 authorized in 1996 "for public education and dissemination of Catholic pro-choice values" [to Catholics for the Right to Decide (Brazil)] $100,000 authorized in 1996 ** "For consolidation of pro-choice Catholic groups in four Latin American countries: Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru" To CFFC in Latin America [Uruguay] $73,000 authorized in 1996 "to promote public discussion among Catholics in Mexico on sexual and reproductive health" [to Catholics for the Right to Decide (Mexico)]
$30,000 authorized in 1995 ** $42,000 authorized in 1995 "for participants from developing countries to attend Kennedy Institute of Ethics' advanced course on feminist perspective on bioethics" $770,000 authorized in 1994 **
"For international programs and to convene a new group, the Religious
Consultation on Population and Reproductive Health"
"To consolidate a Latin American network on women's reproductive health
and rights"
"For participants from developing countries to attend Kennedy Institute
of Ethics' advanced course on feminist perspective on bioethics"
"To consolidate pro-choice Catholic groups in four countries" $50,000 in 1991, to be used specifically "for education on reproductive health and rights in Latin America."
$100,000 in 1999 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $90,000 over two years May 17, 1994 $30,000 (March 22, 1994) * "To conduct a retreat for abortion-rights leaders"
"For operating support" $85,000 in 1992; $41,708 in 1991; $50,000 in 1988 (and $35,000 for the Student Health Program at Cleveland's East High School "Clinic" in 1988, and $90,000 to a program providing abortions for Cleveland women on welfare) CLARK FOUNDATION INC, $75,000 in 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $65,000 in 1997 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC
COMPTON FOUNDATION INC., CA $60,000 in 1999 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $40,000 in 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $40,000 Year authorized: 1996 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $40,000 Year authorized: 1994 ** to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC DODGE FOUNDATION, INC. $50,000 in 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION $200,000 in 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC
$225,000 authorized in 1995
(3-year grant) ** to
Catholics for a Free Choice, DC "For educating
and reaching out to religious community" FIKES FOUNDATION INC.,
Leland, TX $25,000 in 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $10,000 in 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $20,000 authorized in 1996 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC "For projects in Central/South America" - "reproductive rights" $20,000 Year authorized: 1995 ** to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC "For projects in Latin America" $20,000 Year authorized: 1994 ** to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC
"For general support"
"For general support of this organization that supports the right
to legal and accessible reproductive-health care, including family planning
and abortion"
"For its work to secure the right to legal and accessible reproductive
health care, including family-planning and abortion services"
"To support the right to legal reproductive-health care, especially
family planning and abortion"
"For education, advocacy, and outreach efforts designed to further
dialogue and policy making and to forge consensus on important
reproductive-health issues in Latin America"
$125,000 in 2000 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC
"For population program"
DYSON FOUNDATION, NY Note: Web site states foundation "focuses on children's health and pediatric funding." $10,000 Year authorized: 1995 ** "For public education and research to monitor access to reproductive health care services in changing health care environment" GENERAL SERVICE FOUNDATION, CO
"Toward educating and building networks of pro-choice Catholics at
state, local and national levels as participants in public debate over sexuality
and reproductive providers"
"For work with organizations and coalition in Latin America to help
implement International Conference on Population and Development Program
of Action in region"
For "the organization's work to counter efforts of the Roman Catholic
Church to limit legal access to reproductive health care"
GERBODE FOUNDATION, "For work to advance sexual and reproductive rights"
$50,000 in 1999 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC
GOLDMAN FUND, $100,000 in 1999 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $100,000 in 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC
"For final payment of grant for Catholic Health Care System and Health
Reform Study, to examine Catholic health care system, its role in national
health care reform and implications for reproductive health care delivery
in U.S."
"For Catholic Health Care System and Health Reform study, to examine
Catholic health care system, its role in national health care reform and
implications for reproductive health care delivery in U.S." THE SCHERMAN FOUNDATION INC., NY $60,000 in 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $20,000 in 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC $50,000 Year authorized: 1996 (2-year grant) ** to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC
$50,000 Year authorized: 1994
** to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC SUMMIT CHARITABLE FOUNDATION, $50,000 in 1999 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC TURNER FOUNDATION INC., GA $60,000 in 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC WALLACE GLOBAL FUND, DC $250,000 in 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC
WEEDEN FOUNDATION, NY $15,000 in 1998 to Catholics for a Free Choice, DC
"For Latin America program and global initiative on population policy"
[Uruguay, Brazil, Mexico]
"For continued support for Latin America program"
"For education for women in Latin America who are seeking reproductive
health services"
* Source: The Chronicle of Philanthropy ** Source: The Foundation Center
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MAIN PAGE The Pro-life Perspective © Copyright 1998 Diane S. Dew All Rights Reserved Diane Dew o PO Box 340945 o Milw WI 53234 |