Anxiety, depression, regret, anger, a deep sense of loss, guilt, crying, nightmares, marital problems, difficulty sleeping, flashbacks, hopelessness, psychotic reactions, and loss of self-image were cited as directly resulting from abortion. . 91% Suffer from Post-abortion Trauma, Studies Show © 1992 Diane S. Dew in The Standard As many as 91% of all abortions cause severe psychological problems, both immediate and long-term, according to reports of the Department of Education and the Alan Guttmacher Institute. "Planned Parenthood ... has admitted something which pro-life forces have contended for years," reported the Christian Observer May 29. "Apparently Planned Parenthood is now going public with the heretofore secret research data," the article states, "because they are trying to blame the post-abortion trauma on pro-lifers ... [who they say] have made [women] feel guilty." For years, however, numerous studies consistently have indicated that abortion is the direct cause of many psychological problems, including lack of self-esteem, guilt, depression, psychoses, neurotic symptoms, chemical dependency and even suicide." ("Abortion: Pain or Pleasure?" by Howard W. Fisher, MD, in The Psychological Aspects of Abortion, D Mall and WF Watts, MD, ed, 1979) Fisher studied the records of dozens of women with psychological problems who had induced abortions. He found a direct correlation between their emotional difficulties and abortion. Squelching the facts Doctors, however, often have been unwilling to retain the necessary information on patients, which would assist researchers studying abortion's after-effects, he found. "It can be no accident," writes Fisher, "that physicians participating in abortion sought to prevent the keeping of records that might contain the data needed to expose these problems." (p. 50) "Are physicians merely accomplices in [women's] self-destructive behavior?" Fisher asks. In an almost prophetic tone, Fisher calls society to account: "... whether abortion is itself a symptom of the manipulation of medicine by antisocial personalities ... If that is so, and that symptom is allowed to become a disease of epidemic proportions, it may spell the demise of the whole of medicine and of society." (p. 50) "The only solution to this problem," Fisher writes, "is ... recognizing [children] as separate living beings from the moment of conception ..." (p. 51) In another study, 58 of 70 distressed women who called Milwaukee's Pregnancy Aftermath Helpline from in a two-year period related their psychological problem to abortion. ("The Psychological Sequelae of Abortion: Fact and Fallacy," by MH Liebman, MD and Jolie S. Zimmer, in The Psychological Aspects of Abortion, p. 128) Anxiety, depression, regret, anger, a deep sense of loss, guilt, crying, nightmares, marital problems, difficulty sleeping, flashbacks, hopelessness, psychotic reactions, and loss of self-image were cited as directly resulting from abortion. Misled by abortion personnel Almost one out of four women in Liebman's study specifically complained that they had been either misled or misinformed about abortion by clinic personnel. They had been told the fetus was only "like a fish," for example, or "an acorn," or "only tissue." "Don't think of it as killing," one counselor told a woman, but as "taking blood out of your uterus to get your periods going again." Women also claimed that they had not been informed of the possibility of miscarriages, sterility or post-abortion trauma. Pro-choice? or no choice? If pro-aborts were really "pro-choice," they would not oppose the presentation of the other side of the issue. After all, "choice" does imply the demonstration of at least two options. In light of these facts, and the post-abortion trauma to which women are subjected, pro-aborts might consider changing their chant* to: "Pro-choice, that's our lie; we don't care if women cry!" * A common pro-abortion chant outside abortion clinics is: "Pro-life, that's a lie; you don't care if women die.") "They shed innocent blood,
the blood of their sons & their daughters (Bible Studies, Devotionals, Other Articles) |
~~~~~~~~~ Other Abortion-related Articles Addressing the Issue from Various Aspects: . Personal Testimony Spiritual Abortion: What Saith the Scriptures? Psychological Effects 91% Suffer from Post-abortion Trauma .Ethical Dilemma What's Wrong with Animal Rights? (Animal Rights & Human Wrongs) Planned Parenthood's Deceitful Disguise Financial/Ethical Who are 'Catholics for a Free Choice'? (Pro-abortion Group Funded by Porn) The Cost of Abortion: $1,020 - Plus One Life
Your Job, or Your Beliefs: Physical Complications . Legal/Political Animal Rights vs. Rights of the Unborn Abortion is Not a Minor Decision Parental Guidance is Not Burdensome Legislators: Protectors of the Spineless Societal
Fertility Control
Agents in the Water Supply? The Myth of Abuse toward 'Unwanted' Children Catholic Curriculum Promotes Anti-family Agenda Teen Pregnancies Rise with Sex Ed Costs No Scriptural Excuse for Killing Abortionist Abortion is Not a Minor Decision Parental Guidance is Not Burdensome. Ethical: Media Media Paint Pro-lifers as 'Militant,' 'Extreme' Media Conceal Details of Teen Abortion Death
Your Job, or Your Beliefs: Personal & Professional Responsibility: Political Medical/Physical Medical Texts Prove Life Before Birth Abortion Increases Breast Cancer Risk Condom 'Safe Sex' Theory Full of Holes Operation Proves: It's a Baby, Not a Blob RU-486: Women aren't hearing all the facts
Within the Womb: Racial |
Read Traci's Story: One woman's regret she cannot forget