Who are you, Diane Dew?You may have read some of my personal experiences in Home Street Home ... A Love I Could Not Deny and Choice Has a Name. Jesus has carried me through some very dark and difficult times, including, most recently, cancer in both me and my son. God has been faithful. I've lived in 54 places, in eight different states -- nine, if you include the state of confusion! Of all these, I can honestly say that the worst place to be ... is out of the will of God! Employment: Usually employed as a word processor or legal secretary, but always writing on the side.. Pro-life: You may recall the nationally publicized story, several years ago, about a newsroom secretary fired from The Milwaukee Journal (now Journal Sentinel) for her pro-life position. Well, that was me. An attorney with the Rutherford Institute represented me and we settled out of court. The media's bias had been exposed; my point was made. This is the condensed version of a very complicated life. Its many twists and turns, over mountains and through valleys, have only caused me to draw nearer to the Source, the Fountain of living waters ... Jesus, the Lover of my soul!. Back to TopAre the outlines on your site from your own personal study, or other sources?Everything on my site is the product of my own personal study the past 30+ years. Alone most of the time, I've lived a very secluded life. (I had to do something with my time!) The verses for each topic seemed to fit so neatly into an outline, I began sharing them with others, got them copyrighted and assembled into book format, etc. Back in the 70s I lent the rights to the president of a bible school. After a few years, that contract ended and I began offering them on my own. When I learned how to do web pages, I began offering them online. Diane's most recent studies include Pain and Suffering, Death Penalty, Gambling, Environmentalism, etc. While fighting cancer in recent months, she is working to complete a series on The Fruit of the Spirit (Patience, Meekness, Self-Control, etc.), as well as various other topics. Back to TopWhat religion are you? How long have you been a Christian?I gave my life to Jesus in 1970, at age 16. I attend a nondenominational, Bible-believing Christian church. Denominations are manmade. No justification for such divisions can be found anywhere in the New Testament. Jesus prayed "that they all may be one." Paul scolded the Corinthians for claiming, "I am of Paul," "I am of Apollos," etc. Back to TopAre you married? Do you have children?During the many years of raising my child alone, I have often wondered -- when I was young and healthy, before being diagnosed with cancer and losing all my my hair to chemo, etc. -- why God didn't bring me someone with whom to share my life? However, I know I'd never have devoted so much time to writing all these years if I had had someone to whom I could devote my attention. My son is now grown. Some experiences of his childhood -- and my challenge as a single-parent, caring for him alone since he was an infant -- are recorded in Faith of a Little Child, Frustrations of a Single Parent, Choice Has a Name, Home Street Home etc. The greatest challenge came, however, when he was diagnosed with an advanced stage of cancer. Then, a couple years later, I was, too. [Note: We were both at Three Mile Island in 1979 -- the nuclear accident. Despite the governor's evacuation of pregnant women and children under 2, the guardsmen at the road block let us through. We both became very sick afterwards. (I read that the cattle near Chernobyl were slaughtered so that no one would drink the contaminated milk -- yet I continued to nurse my son for 2 years. The women near Chernobyl stopped menstruating --which also happened to me. Coincidence?)] Back to TopHow can I order your books?I have kept the cost of these materials low so that anyone, whatever their financial status, can afford them. To order, print out the order blank at www.dianedew.com/order.htm and mail with a check or money order to: JD Dew Back to TopDid you make your web site yourself? What program did you use?This web site has borne much fruit. Souls have been saved, families reunited, hearts healed. Backsliders have returned to their first love after reading 'The Backslider in Heart'. The lonely and discouraged have written me, in tears, they say, after finding comfort in the promises of God through Loneliness: A Study in the Scriptures (one of the first pages uploaded to this site, with my testimony). God gets all the glory, though, because I know it has not been my doing. Not along ago I didn't know the first thing about making a web page. In the beginning (sounds scriptural, doesn't it?), everything was without form and void: There were no graphics. I remember the thrill of successfully uploading my first page -- my testimony -- and then the studies on Loneliness and Backsliding. One day an online friend I had never met informed me via an IM that he had bought me a computer, which the factory would be shipping in the next couple weeks. He had noticed I kept getting kicked offline, as the one I had been using kept crashing every five minutes. (It was one my son had built from discarded parts he pulled out of dumpsters! As a single mom, I could barely afford the monthly charge to stay online.) You can imagine how thrilled I was when my prayers for a new computer finally were answered! If you've read this far, you get to hear the neatest story. Back in 1970, long before computers were even invented, I received a word from a traveling preacher that said, in part, "...and I will use you with the printed page, and [here he paused, with a puzzled tone of voice, when he said the phrase that followed] -- the electronic page." [as in "main page," or "home page," maybe?] Neither he nor I had any idea what he was saying. He seemed to be wondering, What in the world am I saying here? I set it aside, for years, with other things to "ponder" in my heart. More recently, it dawned on me that this internet ministry was in the mind and heart of God, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, way back then. What dew ewe think? Back to TopAre your books available in bookstores? A few bookstores carry my books, but most bookstores purchase only from big-name publishers, like Nelson, Zondervan, etc. That's why their prices are so high: The bookstore has to make a profit (they mark up each title by 40%), the middle-man (publisher) has to make a profit, and the author (who did all the work - in many cases, years - writing the books) gets the least amount of all. If I were to sell my book rights to a publisher, they'd raise the prices a LOT - several dollars per item - just for their marketing tactics. Many Christians cannot afford the prices bookstores put on items nowadays, and I want my studies to be available to anyone who wants them. So I sell them on eBay and on my web site, instead. |
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